Saturday, September 8, 2012


It seems fitting that the last blog I wrote was a tribute to Nick on our 6 months. We're approaching  our one year and with all that's happened I realized I hadn't posted much. Nor do I think I will be from here on out. I'm retiring the blog. I have nothing to complain about, I have no big news to express and no one to share it with (since we met he's been my go to man and has never failed me).

So here I am, a different forum but the same, old, message. I've met my soul mate. It's not something I  ever expected. I thought the person I would spend the rest of my life with would be someone who I was similar too. Someone who understood certain aspects of my personality. Until I met nick. And then I realized I needed someone who was nothing like me. Someone who would stand up for me when I couldn't stand up for myself. Someone who would get angry when all I could do was cowar. Someone who would tell me I was amazing when everyone else was telling me that I wasn't worth it.

Someone to love me when I struggled loving myself.

There was once A time when I loathed cheesy Facebook status', when I gauffed at love sick girls, but now I'm certain, no one could have ever possibly felt what I feel, so I'm special, because I have fallen head over heels, "hard core in love, to the max" ;)
