Sunday, August 29, 2010

I can hear you all too well...

So, I realize that majority of the stuff that bugs me, I'm guilty of. Today I'm bugged with loud talkers. I know I'm loud. I laugh loud, I talk loud, its part of who I am. BUT. I'm also aware of volume control. I know that sometimes its just not polite to talk at ear piercing volume. Say... when the kids are napping. Or when sitting down in a movie theater. Or when you're about to say something bad about someone near by.
Whispering is a fine art that just not enough people know how to perform. So excuse me Mr. Douche hitting on me last night, pardon me if I just don't show an interest after you say inappropriate things about me when I can so blatantly hear you. Not to mention you're a 32 year old washed up baseball player who still lives at home with your parents... and LIKES it?! I don't even have words for that.
Some people should just have a lesson or two in when to lower your voice.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I'm an over achiever.

Two in one day?!?! Thats right. This one is for the road...

This is for my fellow american's who have never been to the state of New Jersey. It drives me crazy when people make fun of my new loved, completely obsessed with, new home. No, I don't have big fake hair now (I resisted in Utah, I'm capable of resisting here) nor do I live off an exit on the parkway. I've never met anyone from the cast of Jersey shore nor anyone who acts like that, granted I'm very antisocial and picky about who I talk to.
Now, as much as I'm completely obsessed with the state in which I reside there are things that bother me about it...
Parking meters, I'm back to hoarding quarters.
Parallel parking, I'm terrible at it, no denying, and if you saw the car I drive here you would TOTALLY understand.
Everyone thinking I'm Irish. Theres something about the East coast and them being obsessed with heritage.
The fact that every city, town, or burrow has the SAME named streets, Maple, River Road, Mountain Ave. no joke. Everywhere you go.
The fact that people here think what they have are mountains (granted I can't be too harsh, not everyone can have the pleasure of enjoying the majestic mountains of Utah)
The raccoons who terrorize our trash cans.
there is NO place, besides the grocery store, that you can purchase Dr. Pepper... Its like putting an alcoholic in a dry state.
There are no Walmarts, I realize this brings out the redneck in me but let it shine... I miss me some cheap, open all night, wallyworld.
Last not but not least, time zones. This is not just against New Jersey this is just the world in general. I freaking hate time zones. They confuse me and make me sleepy.
There is a significantly longer list of things I LOVE about New Jersey. But this is a blog about things I love. ;)
Til next time,
You're favorite red head.


Why not jump right into it... One of my biggest pet peeves with family, friends, people I stalk, is that they go FOREVER between blog updates. Hi, my name is Laycee, and I've completely ignored my whiney blog for over a year now.
Anywho... I didn't forget that it existed I just forgot how to get into it. Needless to say I figured it out and will be returning with a vengeance! Lots of new things to complain about. I moved for one, new place. I lost 175 pounds (haha I've always wanted to use that joke, I figured now would be a good time... later Preston!) And I'm a completely different person. Funny how I never thought that would happen... The only constant in life is change. So here it is. I'm still whiney and over opinionated but now we'll see where it takes me.
So today, things that bug me are people like me. People who have a blog and never update. Or people who just blog to say, hey, sorry I haven't blogged lately. Also, who decided blog was a verb? Probably the same person who made "google" a verb, although I must say that google is by far my favorite verb. I use it most often.
If anyone reads this, or read it in the past, welcome back, I've missed you.
Love, me