Wednesday, June 1, 2011

You don't know me...

I hate that lately I've struggled blogging. I feel so one dimensional when I can't muster enough creativity to write a witty enough post to feel proud of. I know my strengths and my weaknesses and I'm ok with that but I also work really hard to improve my weaknesses so that maybe one day I can switch them to the other column.

I'm very left brain oriented. My major is math for heavens sake. I'm ok with that. I've embraced it. But I envy right brained people. I would give my left big toe to be able to sit down and create something. I've loved many right brained people in my life and they have always been the ones to leave the strongest impact. This blog is my attempt to try and be a little more right brained. Its pathetic to say the least but I digress...

My trip home was fantastic. I saw my family, some old friends, and made a few new ones as well. I was glad to come home, but I also realized I'm missing something from my life here on the east coast. Or maybe I should say someone.

I'm great on my own. I'm fiercely independent and stubborn. I hate being told what to do, or better yet,what NOT to do. But I've been lonely. Caring the weight of my job, school, and being away from home has left me a little weary. I'm not about to settle, or even go out of my way to find someone, but I'm not as closed off to the idea and I was a year ago. Or even a month ago.

Again, I'm reminded that I'm ever changing. I was so certain after Preston that I was done and that I needed none of it, it wasn't in my "plan" thus it wasn't on my mind. But maybe I've become too bitter and cold hearted. Maybe I've become my worst enemy. Someone incapable of being loved. I don't want to be that. I may not be able to love, but I'd love for someone to love me. Then maybe I'd soften a bit.

There is one thing that hasn't changed. I thrive off travel. I need to go on an adventure. I need to get out and experience something new, push the limits. I need to be uncomfortable. What better time to do that then in the summer?

My weekends just got busy.

Any ideas? I'm open to anything....

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