Sunday, March 25, 2012

6 months later

Things are about to get cheesy. Just a warning.....
6 months ago I was invited to go out for coffee one Sunday morning. I almost canceled a dozen times. I hadn't dated much in the previous year and I was taking on a lot with school and work. I finally had a friend talk me into it. What would an hour hurt really? Well turns out it didn't hurt at all.
That hour turned into spending the day together. Talking, laughing, and at one point crying. (we ended up seeing a movie we were both interested in and I cried like a little girl). I met my best friend that day. I fell in love with him shortly there after. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't dated much. I've done my fair share. I've lived in many different places and I've spent time with lots of different people. And never before has something come so easy.
If youre reading this you know who I'm talking about. I've been a giddy school girl when I talk about him since that Sunday morning when he showed up with chocolate cake because he had heard in passing that it was my favorite.
I've never met someone who so wholly gets me. Makes me feel safe. And makes me so happy. I'm sure I'm not the first person to feel this way about the person they love but I know he's the first one I've felt this way about, and that's good enough for me.
So this is for you Nick. My best friend. My biggest fan. My love. Thank you for the best 6 months of my life. And here's to another 59 years and 6 months. Because I love you..... Or something like that.

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