Monday, September 13, 2010

Oh Mr. Sun, sun, Mr. Golden Sun...

Sometimes the weather just bugs me. Back in May on a "hey I just ended a ridiculous relationship and now lets go shopping!" trip I bought the most amazing pair of rain boots. [see picture below]

We were going to New Hampshire for two weeks and I was told that it'd rain while we were there. No such luck. Oh well we enjoyed the beach.
Anyway, as much of you are fully aware I'm just more of a homebody. I love my house, my belongings, my books and my music. I'm never bothered at the end of a day when I realize I didn't leave the house at all (*cough* Saturday *cough*) but occasionally people convince me it'll be a good idea to leave. And this weekend two peoples convinced me that Sunday would be a good day to get out.
So I made plans. (whoa!) My day was planned, and packed to boot. (hahaha pun totally intended)
Now, another thing you must know is that IF I do decide to venture out, I prefer to stay out. Outside that is. Anything outdoors is great to me. So I had plans with Steve in the early afternoon to finally go shooting (Laycee with a gun... I know right?... Turns out I'm freaking awesome... haters) and then plans with Nik in the evening to go to that wonderfully free Spoon concert I blogged about. I was so excited for my day of outside goodness.
And then I woke up Sunday morning.
Rain. And lots of it.
Where was the sun when I needed him? Where was my glorious beautiful day to accompany my great plans?
And so I improvised. We went shooting in the rain and mud. And we went to a movie instead of a concert.

The only plus being?

I got to wear my boots. For a full day of out-of-the house goodness.

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