Friday, October 22, 2010

Would you look at that

Well. In true Laycee fashion I blog about how I only have time to blog on Wednesday's and now here we are... its Friday! Usually I'd be so excited about that. This week, I can't seem to muster the energy.
The Mr. and Mrs. went out of town for the weekend, they left Wednesday (hence the reason no blog the other day) and the Mr. returns Sunday, and the Mrs. next Thursday. So life is a little... how do you say... BUSY.
So here we go. I've made the leap. Let me start from the beginning.

This isn't the first time I've lived in another state... For the most part I've always kept the same basic info. Name, license, and phone number. But last week I got pulled over. (I was going a TAD over the speed limit going down a very steep hill) So in the process of giving him my info it came to light that I need to obtain a New Jersey license.
I also have this addiction. I love new cell phones. About this time every year I've gotten myself a new one for my birthday (Oct. 21... November 26th... close enough) And so in turn. Things have changed. In a BIG way.
I've gone on and on about how much I love it here and how much I feel like I belong here. For a long time if not permanently. So why not make it official? I mean I've already signed a contract agreeing to be here until September 2011.
So. As of today, I now have a NJ phone number and license. My Utah one no longer in my possession. (I will admit that, that makes me a little sad) And I lost my wicked awesome Utah phone number. But alas. Here I am. In Jersey.
Working my not so little behind off. Loving every minute of it.

But for the record. I will never. ever. fist pump. wear a bump it. dye my hair some ungodly color of jet black. or. rent a shore house.


  1. After our trip to Utah this summer, I'm SURE that bump its are just as much Utah as they are Jersey.
