Monday, December 6, 2010

As is...

As is with everything in my life, when I put something down in writing (i.e. my blog)(What does i.e. even mean? is it In Example or am I totally off base? ANYWAY!) it always comes undone or goes to pot (another saying I just don't understand but equally love) I shouldn't say everything. I still love my job, family, tattoo, and friends but if you are any good at power of deduction.... somethings just don't last. Oh well, life goes on. And with life going on comes the fact that Thanksgiving and my birthday have passed (moment of silence.... until next year.) And so is the time for Christmas and New Years.

I'll be completely honest. I don't like Christmas. Can't stand it actually. The music is obnoxious, its the same 10 songs sung by various amounts of people, and some are just plain creepy. I hate that everywhere I go there are a million people. And not even nice people. Mean, nasty old women who want to fight me for the pillow pet I wanted to buy. Anyway, I could go on and on about how I don't like Christmas, but who really wants to hear that?

Instead I'll leave you with the bit of joy that is getting me through until January...

I get to go home in two weeks....
Also *if* I have to listen to Christmas music... let it be this one.

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