Thursday, September 8, 2011

A little change never hurt. much.

From time to time, more often then not, I feel the need to change. Go inside myself, and just change some things. I think it keeps me growing, keeps me evolving, and it keeps me aware of how I'm viewed by others. Not that I necessarily care what others think about me, because my decisions are my own and I stand behind all of them, but because sometimes we have annoying traits that are just better, not there.

Its not that I change EVERYTHING about myself, that wouldn't be being true to me. But I'll change a habit here, a character flaw there, because I believe that true happiness comes from being the best possible version of myself that I can possibly be. Now I also don't believe that I can ever be perfect, but I don't mind spending the rest of my life "tweaking" things to try and get there.

The problem with this, is that I put these changes into motion by what I feel is right. Not what others tell me. So, when I make certain changes, some friends and family are shocked. They do not agree with the change I've made, and not only do they balk at it, they fight. Tooth and nail to get me to undo the change. To be who they thought I was.

There are some obvious changes that I'm sure if you're reading this you know about, religion. School. Career. Geographical location. All of these things have caused someone(s) I hold dearly to just not understand why I would do such things. And as I wish I could sit and explain to every individual why I changed the way I did, and why I'm happier, I just can't. Sometimes I don't even have a logical explanation, it was just something inside of me that I needed to do.

This is all just a very long drawn out explanation for the changes I'm preparing to make in my life. It doesn't seem like a big deal to me, and I'm sure to a lot of people out there wont care either but maybe someone does. And maybe that someone is VERY vocal about their opinions, I don't know. But I guess now is a good a time as any to inform everyone that I am, in fact, becoming a vegetarian.

Now, before you feel the need to argue. Its not because of some deep love for animals, or for animal cruelty, its solely based on the fact that I want some change in my life. I want to eat healthier (I know that plenty will argue that meat is healthy, but really.... who asked you?) I want to strip myself back down to the basics. Fruits. Vegetables. And the like. Mostly I just want to prove to myself that I can do it. I want to show myself that I have the self control to better myself physically.

If you've spent anytime around me you will know that I am lucky. I was blessed with a tall, thin frame and a fast metabolism. I can eat almost anything I like and not have to worry. Of course I believe in moderation and the like, but I'm not strict on myself by any means. I'm also not completely happy with what I see in the mirror. Now, why not take what I've been blessed with, add a little self discipline and see where it gets me. Hopefully to a naturally healthy, and happy 20something.

So there you have it. I will check back in with updates and let you all know how I'm doing, but I feel really good about this. I'm excited to do it and see how I end up. I hope you all are cheering me on as well. :)


  1. English Muffins are vegetarian so...I'm fine with this. Go for it! You know I love this stuff! Good luck!

  2. The way you led into that I was expecting something way different than becoming a vegetarian...that is a great idea. Meat is healthy but as long as you keep your protein up there's no need to eat it really. I'm impressed...can't wait to hear how this goes for you!
