Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I've realized two things....
1. This blog makes me sound like a mother. Yikes.
2. My social life is seriously lacking... or maybe I just don't blog enough about it... either way. I promise all 4 of you that yes I'm still 22 and single and loving life even if it does sound like my WHOLE life are those 4 kiddos... I do sometimes manage to get out and socialize.

So during the summer I just kept thinking... "I can't wait until school starts.... everything will slow down and I'll have an easy schedule again." HA!
We are a busy busy people, and so it seems the only real time I have to sit down and blog are Wednesday's. (Does it even matter? Does anyone even read? If so PLEASE leave a comment... let me know I'm not just talking to myself... even though that hasn't stopped me in the past....)
This weekend I worked Saturday morning, and had Sunday off. So Saturday afternoon I hopped on the train and scooted my little (ok... not so little) booty out to the city for some DELICIOUS mexican (I have yet to find anything as good as Cafe Rio... I digress...) a movie, and lots of silliness.
Sunday I got BACK on the train and spent the afternoon wondering around central park looking for the zoo. Turns out we walked AROUND whole thing. But it was still fun, the weather was wonderful, as was the company. I also got the LARGEST piece of chocolate ever. It was heavenly. All in all a very wonderful weekend.
Then Monday hit. Columbus Day. The kids grandparents wanted to take the kids out to lunch and then to play mini golf. They were all so excited. But it meant one thing... No nap.
So we spent the morning at home doing art projects (when I say we I mean they picked the project while I did it, and they told me what to do the whole time.) And then we headed out to lunch. It was non eventful everyone had a good meal and that was that.
Then the real fun began.
The mini golf place was PACKED. Not like, oh we have
to wait 2 min for the group in front of us to finish that hole... Like... We have to wait in line for an hour and a half before we even get on the course.
So lets do the math...
4 kids
1 nanny
1 nana
0 naps
80 degree weather
3 kids in warm fall clothing
12 straight hours worked.
It was an adventure.
Everyone actually did really great, only 2 threw tantrums (myself and Nate). And everyone slept wonderfully that night (myself included.)
So there you have it. Its only Wednesday and I'm already exhausted by this week.


  1. I am paying attention. I love that you went mini-golfing with everyone. I bet there was some giggling which makes the day worth it.

  2. Yay! I'm glad I have a reader. :)
