Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Oh what I wouldn't give to breath through my nose again...

So the kids started school about 3 weeks ago. We've finally settled into a good routine and I'm still very much loving my job. Its a lot of running around but I don't mind. So with school starting comes new friends. Oh, I'm not meaning the kind you meet, get to know, and then CHOOSE to spend time with. No. I'm talking about the ones that sneak in, find your weaknesses, and then attack like the mean hateful friends that they are.
Thats just my overly dramatic way of saying... I caught a nasty head cold and I just want it to go away!!!
It started about a week and a half ago with just sheer exhaustion and a terrible head ache. I spent the day in bed and for the most part felt ok. The headache just wouldn't quite go away. And then the irritating cough started. Just a little here and there but annoying none the less (its like that person you don't want to talk to and it doesn't matter how infrequently they contact you, any contact makes you want to poke them in the eye... overly dramatic again? sorry. I get childish when I'm sick) And then I woke up two days ago.
Like a punch to the face. My nose was stuffy, my throat on fire, and this cough was a million times worse then a sporadic text/phone call every now and then... it was full blown stalking by a creepy guy.
I've done everything. Theraflu tea before bed. Helped until about 2:30 am.
Dayquil. didn't even make a dent.
So then a pulled out all the stops.
I've been told numerous times that Tylenol PM will knock anyone out so I've tried to do without it. I already have a low tolerance to medication (ask anyone who came and visited me after I had surgery.) so I didn't want to have to go to such great lengths.
Well last night I had had enough. I went to CVS in my ever beautiful attire (gray hoodie, brown sweats, and black Uggs. Who says you can't be sick and have style?... I call it... Sick chic) and I went on a mad hunt for Tyenol PM. Well turns out everything Tylenol has been recalled. Man its really just not my week. So I settled for CVS brand. Cheaper and works the exact same.
I was out by 9:45 and I already feel better.

Now if only I could have my taste buds back.... I sure do miss the taste of food.

I have some fun pictures from this past weekend that I'll get up eventually. But for some reason blogger is a little slow on the uptake, I imported them but when I got to retrieve them to post they are no where to be found. I'll figure it out soon when I have more patience.

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