Saturday, October 30, 2010


I contemplated a post all about the week of work I just survived, about the lack of sleep I got and how I got a glimpse into motherhood, but a part of me is really sick of sounding like a mother. So I'm going to blog about something else that is HUGE in my life.
I have an amazing memory for lyrics, usually hearing a song once means I know all the words and can sing along the next time I hear it. With that, I also know that lyrics can inspire me... or bring me down. (As much as I love Elliott Smith, I can only listen to him so much before I become sullen and sad)
I've also realized that when I moved out here, I made a major change. Not in geographical location, or in my love life (although both were drastically changed) I made a major change in myself.
I'm no longer the person I was 7 months ago. A year ago. I am different. And for the better. I am quiet, introspective, and private. So very private. I tend to appreciate the indy, soft music now.
Which brings me to the title of this post.
I'm obsessed with a few different songs right now,
  • Lets Talk About Spaceships by Say Hi To Your Mom - The song is fabulous and can't describe more about how I feel right now in almost all aspects of relationships in my life.
So much has been happening and has happened and I just want to not talk about it. I don't want to overanalyze everything and dissect it until its a thin shell of what it was. I just want to do my job and live my life and be glad that I'm happy with it all.

  • Life Left To Go by Safetysuit - Basically life is complicated, no one knows each others heartache, no one can possibly imagine what someone else is enduring, love each other.

Don't judge someone because they may not measure up to the physical standard the world has put out there for us. Don't say hurtful, hateful words because someone may not be "perfect".
Everyone has a beauty that they can offer to the world and it can easily be shown just my showing that person love. So much hurt and pain can be healed by being patient, understanding, and loving.

  • Eclipse by Robyn - No one is perfect. Sometimes people get hurt and no one meant it to happen.
Sometimes you can love someone so much that you've over looked the aspects of their personality that can so badly hurt you. They can even come to you with those traits on a platter to show you that, yes, I may have my good parts, but look, I have bad ones as well. And it just hurts. Because honestly, who can predict or explain love? If you can please, let me know. Because I've seen many people (myself included) who have loved those that may not deserve it. Who love so much those that incredulously can not see the bad in the person they hold dear.

I like a lot of other music as well, but for some reason these have sat close to me for a while now.

I'll now get off my soap box and go enjoy this long awaited weekend.

Spence-daddy is coming to visit!!!!!!!! Pictures to come.

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