Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Obligatory hangout with your family month

Its been said that I don't like Christmas. Not one bit. But.... occasionally I like to see and hangout with my family, and since December seems to be the popular month to do it.... I've been home for the last 10 days. 8 by choice, 2 by force. It hasn't been all bad.... I got to at least sleep on an actual bed last night, and I got to eat some delicious food. So without further ado... here are some pictures

(I used to never understand people who took pictures of their food.... until I realized how I missed Cafe Rio burrito's and felt the need to commemorate the event with a picture... mmmm)

Representing the red heads... We were missing Campbell and Carter but 3/5 isn't bad.

The boys at Christmas Eve lunch.
Julia. Explaining to me just how much she loves Justin Bieber.

Its been a good 10 days. But I'm ready to see the East coast again.

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