Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Holy Moly!

Whoa! Where have I been you ask? Off having the best life ever. Or something like that. Four days after my last post my best friend Chelsey came into town.
And then that week I had two tests for school, Nate got sick, and we had to pack and get everything ready for our trip. So I was a bit busy you could say. But anyway. I'm back, I'm settled and our trip was fantastic. The weather was beautiful and the company was spectacular.

I could go into detail about what we did, but I just don't have the energy today, and seeing as how most of my readership is from my facebook friends, you've seen all the pictures anyway.

So a few days after we got back, as a bonus for all the hard work we did in Jamaica. Jonathan and Savilla bought Chelsey and I tickets to go see The Book of Mormon Musical. The funniest thing I have ever seen. Its not for the faint of heart, or the easily offended. It definitely pushes the envelope on a lot of religious lines but I thought it was very well done and I appreciated all the humor.

It made me take stock of my life though. Where I've been and who I've become in the 5 1/2 years since graduating high school and making the decision that religion wasn't for me.

Often times I wonder if my family saw it coming, if as a child I showed signs of non interest. Or if it was seen as a rash quick decision. Either way, I'm not foolish enough to think that that choice hasn't hurt many, my parents included. I hope by now we've reached a mutual respect and that they know that I love them immensely despite the fact that I no longer go to church.

I have so much respect for most members of the church. I think it takes a lot of discipline and hard work; and to be able to say that you believe in something so much that you are willing to follow some pretty tough rules is honorable in my eyes.

Every now and then I get to feeling really homesick. It often occurs when things are going right and I'm really happy. I miss having my family around to see how happy I am. I ache for them to see how I've grown and matured and I want so desperately for them to be proud of me. I think they are, even with my short comings. I know I'm proud of them.

So basically this post is to say that I'm REALLY happy, and thus, really homesick.

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