Monday, March 28, 2011

Ugh. Grrr. RAWR!

So, its been a while since I've taken the time to vent. Bitch. Moan. So here ya go!

I learned something in my communications class this week (I actually learned something at the two bit school I go to. CRAZY!) I don't think it was even necessarily (hard as I try I don't think I will ever learn how to spell that word without the help of spell check.) part of the class itself or just my teacher giving us a life lesson because he was bugged by another student. But he informed us that in life, never give advice unless it is asked for. Oh how true that is. Since then, I have noticed more and more the agitation I feel when people give me unsolicited advice.

I try hard to smile through it and try and change the subject but some people just don't take the hint. Earlier today I was having a conversation with an acquaintance, (another word that is beyond my spelling capabilities) not even a friend. Just someone I went on one date with a million months ago and never saw again because he was kind of an ass. So he was prying inquiring about my school and my major, and then proceeded to tell me to change my major. To something somewhat similar to my current major, but something I would never be able to do, nor enjoy. I just know myself well enough. Hence the reason I choose the major I did.

Why did he feel like he knew me well enough to give me such advice? Where was it portrayed by me that I would be interested in such advice? Because he has worked in a school for the last 5 minutes he feels so inclined to tell me to CHANGE my major. Ha. And he was a photography major. Chump.

I think I'll stick to my totally practical and in demand major and you keep doing what you're doing, D-bag, and why don't you keep your advice for someone who asks for it, or even for someone who can stand you.

1 comment:

  1. there was someone i met at a concert last summer (that knew my friends so a friend of a friend but not someone i knew) who told me i definitely didn't want to go to medical school because physician's assistants were so much more in demand...okay, fine, but i don't want to be a PA, i want to be a doctor, dumbass

    i totally get where you're coming from
