Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Obligatory hangout with your family month

Its been said that I don't like Christmas. Not one bit. But.... occasionally I like to see and hangout with my family, and since December seems to be the popular month to do it.... I've been home for the last 10 days. 8 by choice, 2 by force. It hasn't been all bad.... I got to at least sleep on an actual bed last night, and I got to eat some delicious food. So without further ado... here are some pictures

(I used to never understand people who took pictures of their food.... until I realized how I missed Cafe Rio burrito's and felt the need to commemorate the event with a picture... mmmm)

Representing the red heads... We were missing Campbell and Carter but 3/5 isn't bad.

The boys at Christmas Eve lunch.
Julia. Explaining to me just how much she loves Justin Bieber.

Its been a good 10 days. But I'm ready to see the East coast again.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Rain, rain, don't go away.

It's a rainy, cold day here in New Jersey.

Interesting fact about me...

I love the rain.

I understand how it can make some sad, depressed, and tired, but rain makes me feel calm, quiet, and content. It settles all the thoughts racing through my head and it brings me back to my center. I wouldn't mind it one bit if I lived in a place that rained every day. The rain today makes me a little less bugged about Christmas quickly approaching.

Lately a lot of people have asked me why I hate Christmas so much. I gave my few feeble reasons, but I honestly just don't quite know why. This year especially has been bad. Its always been an annoyance to me but in the past I've been able to drag myself into the festivities and then I'm ok... Maybe its because this is the first Christmas in 6 years that I've been single. Or maybe its because I'm far from home and having been living with a Jewish family there has been absolutely no christmas festivities to throw myself into... Regardless of the reason I'm just feeling extra grinch-ish this year.
But even then I'm not sure if Grinch is the right word... I don't mind that others love it, but I'd prefer if they would just leave me be to sit and be bitter...

On a slightly related note...

I go home in 6 days. I'm very thrilled. I have been missing home a lot lately. I miss my parents and my sisters and brother. I miss my nieces and nephews and mountains. Oh how I miss mountains.
Occasionally (and when I say occasionally I mean a lot actually) I dream about Utah. Simple things. Like going back and working at the mall again. Or Sunday dinners at my parents house. Or my friends. I dream about old friends a lot. And then I wake up and its not sadness I feel... Its different. Harder to explain. Its like I'm on vacation and one day I'll have to go home and resume life. Or its like my life here in Jersey is the dream and one morning I'll wake up and I'll be back home. Its so surreal.
I can't quite figure out why I'm feeling this way, but maybe being back in Utah for a bit will help me sort some things out. Either way I can't wait.

Monday, December 6, 2010

As is...

As is with everything in my life, when I put something down in writing (i.e. my blog)(What does i.e. even mean? is it In Example or am I totally off base? ANYWAY!) it always comes undone or goes to pot (another saying I just don't understand but equally love) I shouldn't say everything. I still love my job, family, tattoo, and friends but if you are any good at power of deduction.... somethings just don't last. Oh well, life goes on. And with life going on comes the fact that Thanksgiving and my birthday have passed (moment of silence.... until next year.) And so is the time for Christmas and New Years.

I'll be completely honest. I don't like Christmas. Can't stand it actually. The music is obnoxious, its the same 10 songs sung by various amounts of people, and some are just plain creepy. I hate that everywhere I go there are a million people. And not even nice people. Mean, nasty old women who want to fight me for the pillow pet I wanted to buy. Anyway, I could go on and on about how I don't like Christmas, but who really wants to hear that?

Instead I'll leave you with the bit of joy that is getting me through until January...

I get to go home in two weeks....
Also *if* I have to listen to Christmas music... let it be this one.

Friday, November 26, 2010

If we wake up and we wanna break up...

Lets pause and take moment to appreciate the fact that today is my birthday.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok. back to the post.

I'm almost done with my long awaited vacation. Its been a dream. I got to snuggle lots with Tate and Lila, and sleep more then I ever thought poss
I ate some FANTASTIC food and got my nails done. And best of all.... I spent Thanksgiving day in shorts and a tank top. It was fabulous. As much as I have loved fall in New Jersey and I am *some what* excited for winter in Utah... Its been a nice break being here in Florida where the average temperature has been 77.
My allergies on the other hand are NOT happy but its worth it.
I made a lot of jokes yesterday (it being thanksgiving and all) about how I was thankful for my birthday. But honestly I have so much more to be thankful for.... here goes.

I am thankful for Steve. My best friend in New Jersey. Who has put up with me always and has never given up on me. He's the best.
I am thankful for my health. This time last year was a little rough and even though a lot of tears have been shed, I am thankful for how things turned out.
I am thankful for the push I gave myself to move out to New Jersey. I start school in January and that is the one thing I have wanted for the longest time, I am so happy that its finally happening.
I am thankful for my family. Each and every single one of them gives me the strength to do different things in my life. I am lucky to say that I come from such a large and supportive family.
I am thankful for my job. I've said it many times but I still am. Its rare for someone to love their job as much as I love mine and its even more rare to be able to work and live with people who are as caring and generous as the Kaltner's are. They are a great people. I wouldn't want any other pseudo family.

I am thankful for my other friends. The ones near and far. The love that they send me daily and even though we may not see each other or talk often, I know in my heart that if ever I'm in need I have a HUGE network of love to fall back on.
I am thankful for my tattoo (I realize the three of you who read this probably think I'm ridiculous....) it makes me so happy every time I look at it. At first I was worried that when things with Preston went sour I wouldn't like it as much, or that it would make me sad, but it doesn't. The rare times that I do think about him they are always good memories of him.

And last but not least... I am thankful for anyone who has made it this far. :) If that's no one well them... This is for myself.

One last shout out... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Oh Don't you worry, cuz I'll be fine... See, I'm in a hurry to be gone away awhile.

I'm independent. Adventurous. Brave. Strong. Amazing. Responsible. All things people have called me when they hear about my life.

Graduated and moved out at 17, moved cross country at 18. Then again at 22. Making it on my own. Living life to the fullest. Traveling, meeting new people, and smiling.

I have one word for what I really am.


Of everything people shouldn't be. Stability. Commitment. Functionality. Things real adults embrace.

This post is going to be a little different. It'll be a little more introspective and its going to be painful. I've decided to finally admit things about myself that I haven't been able to in the past. And the reason for that? A boy. (I know I know. Everyone in my life is NOT surprised.)

I mean the whole "a boy" in a completely different way this time. A boy came into my life and changed it all. He was bad news I was told. The signs were all there.
Didn't want a relationship.
Young and immature.
Cheated on my within the first month.
Countless break ups and reconciliation with in the first 3 months.

But then it all changed. I don't need to go into detail. I don't want to. I hold the other 6 months so dear and close to my heart that I couldn't bare to part with them. But I walked away with such a heavy lesson. I wasn't nearly as innocent and great as I make myself out to be.

I'm a different person and a better person because of it. I won't run anymore. I'm here for better or worse. I have a life to build and I've wasted enough time already.

I am independent. Adventurous. Brave. Strong. Amazing. Responsible.

Not to mention, beautiful, funny, smart, and incredibly loyal. And even though I may not owe those traits to him (they are my own, as they have been my whole life) but I used to never own them. I dismissed them as something I could possibly never be. I used to let my insecurities over run my life and the things I would do for people. Especially men. Men that I just wanted acceptance and approval from. He taught me everyday that if I don't wear those traits, no one will ever see them. If I don't give myself more credit, no one will be there to give any. He taught me that the way men treat me is mirrored by the way I treat my self.

Now I am my own man (k that sounds weird...) I love and accept and most of all approve of myself enough that I don't need to get it from others. So much that I don't need a relationship to define me.* I am learning everyday to love being single and to take care of myself and some day the rest will fall into place. Of that I'm sure. Like I said... I'm beautiful, smart, funny, adventurous, independent, brave, and the list goes on and on.

*side note- I'm not at all saying that relationships define people, I'm saying that that was the standard I used to hold for myself.

Saturday, October 30, 2010


I contemplated a post all about the week of work I just survived, about the lack of sleep I got and how I got a glimpse into motherhood, but a part of me is really sick of sounding like a mother. So I'm going to blog about something else that is HUGE in my life.
I have an amazing memory for lyrics, usually hearing a song once means I know all the words and can sing along the next time I hear it. With that, I also know that lyrics can inspire me... or bring me down. (As much as I love Elliott Smith, I can only listen to him so much before I become sullen and sad)
I've also realized that when I moved out here, I made a major change. Not in geographical location, or in my love life (although both were drastically changed) I made a major change in myself.
I'm no longer the person I was 7 months ago. A year ago. I am different. And for the better. I am quiet, introspective, and private. So very private. I tend to appreciate the indy, soft music now.
Which brings me to the title of this post.
I'm obsessed with a few different songs right now,
  • Lets Talk About Spaceships by Say Hi To Your Mom - The song is fabulous and can't describe more about how I feel right now in almost all aspects of relationships in my life.
So much has been happening and has happened and I just want to not talk about it. I don't want to overanalyze everything and dissect it until its a thin shell of what it was. I just want to do my job and live my life and be glad that I'm happy with it all.

  • Life Left To Go by Safetysuit - Basically life is complicated, no one knows each others heartache, no one can possibly imagine what someone else is enduring, love each other.

Don't judge someone because they may not measure up to the physical standard the world has put out there for us. Don't say hurtful, hateful words because someone may not be "perfect".
Everyone has a beauty that they can offer to the world and it can easily be shown just my showing that person love. So much hurt and pain can be healed by being patient, understanding, and loving.

  • Eclipse by Robyn - No one is perfect. Sometimes people get hurt and no one meant it to happen.
Sometimes you can love someone so much that you've over looked the aspects of their personality that can so badly hurt you. They can even come to you with those traits on a platter to show you that, yes, I may have my good parts, but look, I have bad ones as well. And it just hurts. Because honestly, who can predict or explain love? If you can please, let me know. Because I've seen many people (myself included) who have loved those that may not deserve it. Who love so much those that incredulously can not see the bad in the person they hold dear.

I like a lot of other music as well, but for some reason these have sat close to me for a while now.

I'll now get off my soap box and go enjoy this long awaited weekend.

Spence-daddy is coming to visit!!!!!!!! Pictures to come.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Would you look at that

Well. In true Laycee fashion I blog about how I only have time to blog on Wednesday's and now here we are... its Friday! Usually I'd be so excited about that. This week, I can't seem to muster the energy.
The Mr. and Mrs. went out of town for the weekend, they left Wednesday (hence the reason no blog the other day) and the Mr. returns Sunday, and the Mrs. next Thursday. So life is a little... how do you say... BUSY.
So here we go. I've made the leap. Let me start from the beginning.

This isn't the first time I've lived in another state... For the most part I've always kept the same basic info. Name, license, and phone number. But last week I got pulled over. (I was going a TAD over the speed limit going down a very steep hill) So in the process of giving him my info it came to light that I need to obtain a New Jersey license.
I also have this addiction. I love new cell phones. About this time every year I've gotten myself a new one for my birthday (Oct. 21... November 26th... close enough) And so in turn. Things have changed. In a BIG way.
I've gone on and on about how much I love it here and how much I feel like I belong here. For a long time if not permanently. So why not make it official? I mean I've already signed a contract agreeing to be here until September 2011.
So. As of today, I now have a NJ phone number and license. My Utah one no longer in my possession. (I will admit that, that makes me a little sad) And I lost my wicked awesome Utah phone number. But alas. Here I am. In Jersey.
Working my not so little behind off. Loving every minute of it.

But for the record. I will never. ever. fist pump. wear a bump it. dye my hair some ungodly color of jet black. or. rent a shore house.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I've realized two things....
1. This blog makes me sound like a mother. Yikes.
2. My social life is seriously lacking... or maybe I just don't blog enough about it... either way. I promise all 4 of you that yes I'm still 22 and single and loving life even if it does sound like my WHOLE life are those 4 kiddos... I do sometimes manage to get out and socialize.

So during the summer I just kept thinking... "I can't wait until school starts.... everything will slow down and I'll have an easy schedule again." HA!
We are a busy busy people, and so it seems the only real time I have to sit down and blog are Wednesday's. (Does it even matter? Does anyone even read? If so PLEASE leave a comment... let me know I'm not just talking to myself... even though that hasn't stopped me in the past....)
This weekend I worked Saturday morning, and had Sunday off. So Saturday afternoon I hopped on the train and scooted my little (ok... not so little) booty out to the city for some DELICIOUS mexican (I have yet to find anything as good as Cafe Rio... I digress...) a movie, and lots of silliness.
Sunday I got BACK on the train and spent the afternoon wondering around central park looking for the zoo. Turns out we walked AROUND whole thing. But it was still fun, the weather was wonderful, as was the company. I also got the LARGEST piece of chocolate ever. It was heavenly. All in all a very wonderful weekend.
Then Monday hit. Columbus Day. The kids grandparents wanted to take the kids out to lunch and then to play mini golf. They were all so excited. But it meant one thing... No nap.
So we spent the morning at home doing art projects (when I say we I mean they picked the project while I did it, and they told me what to do the whole time.) And then we headed out to lunch. It was non eventful everyone had a good meal and that was that.
Then the real fun began.
The mini golf place was PACKED. Not like, oh we have
to wait 2 min for the group in front of us to finish that hole... Like... We have to wait in line for an hour and a half before we even get on the course.
So lets do the math...
4 kids
1 nanny
1 nana
0 naps
80 degree weather
3 kids in warm fall clothing
12 straight hours worked.
It was an adventure.
Everyone actually did really great, only 2 threw tantrums (myself and Nate). And everyone slept wonderfully that night (myself included.)
So there you have it. Its only Wednesday and I'm already exhausted by this week.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Oh what I wouldn't give to breath through my nose again...

So the kids started school about 3 weeks ago. We've finally settled into a good routine and I'm still very much loving my job. Its a lot of running around but I don't mind. So with school starting comes new friends. Oh, I'm not meaning the kind you meet, get to know, and then CHOOSE to spend time with. No. I'm talking about the ones that sneak in, find your weaknesses, and then attack like the mean hateful friends that they are.
Thats just my overly dramatic way of saying... I caught a nasty head cold and I just want it to go away!!!
It started about a week and a half ago with just sheer exhaustion and a terrible head ache. I spent the day in bed and for the most part felt ok. The headache just wouldn't quite go away. And then the irritating cough started. Just a little here and there but annoying none the less (its like that person you don't want to talk to and it doesn't matter how infrequently they contact you, any contact makes you want to poke them in the eye... overly dramatic again? sorry. I get childish when I'm sick) And then I woke up two days ago.
Like a punch to the face. My nose was stuffy, my throat on fire, and this cough was a million times worse then a sporadic text/phone call every now and then... it was full blown stalking by a creepy guy.
I've done everything. Theraflu tea before bed. Helped until about 2:30 am.
Dayquil. didn't even make a dent.
So then a pulled out all the stops.
I've been told numerous times that Tylenol PM will knock anyone out so I've tried to do without it. I already have a low tolerance to medication (ask anyone who came and visited me after I had surgery.) so I didn't want to have to go to such great lengths.
Well last night I had had enough. I went to CVS in my ever beautiful attire (gray hoodie, brown sweats, and black Uggs. Who says you can't be sick and have style?... I call it... Sick chic) and I went on a mad hunt for Tyenol PM. Well turns out everything Tylenol has been recalled. Man its really just not my week. So I settled for CVS brand. Cheaper and works the exact same.
I was out by 9:45 and I already feel better.

Now if only I could have my taste buds back.... I sure do miss the taste of food.

I have some fun pictures from this past weekend that I'll get up eventually. But for some reason blogger is a little slow on the uptake, I imported them but when I got to retrieve them to post they are no where to be found. I'll figure it out soon when I have more patience.

Monday, September 27, 2010


Fall is my favorite season. I missed it all those years I spent in Florida and I have very fond memories of fall in Utah. I'm so excited to experience an east coast fall.
There was one thing I wasn't prepared for though...
Acorns. Falling. Everywhere.
I had a near heart attack the first time I was driving down the street and one hit my windshield. It was a loud THUNK and then nothing. I didn't know what it was at first. I didn't realize what it was until about the 67th time. And by then I was a bit annoyed, sitting at Marin's field hockey game and one hit me on the head. Ok, 16 hit me on the head. Seriously? I don't blame chicken little for the theatrics. Those little buggers hurt.
Other then that fall is beautiful. Leaves turning red and falling, rain, the crisp air. I can't wait to go apple and pumpkin picking. How Cleaver family is that?!?!
On another note. My dad is coming into town tomorrow!!! I get to spend the day with him and show him why I love this place so much. I can't wait for someone in my life to see it all.
For now I'm off to fold mountains of laundry, of which I wish I could crawl under and soak up the warmth from.
Today, I'm feeling a bit homesick.... Love me some Willhite's...

Monday, September 20, 2010

I'm 22...

So I know that my blog is called things that bug me, and that I like to think most of my charm is my witty banter and how I complain... but I'm vastly (for the longest time I thought that would was "fastly"... wow. I feel dumb) running out of things to bitch about. Instead I thought I'd just give you all a little peak into my own little world of New Jersey and what I do and enjoy here.

So in the spirit of me being 22, and fickle. The bloggy is getting a revamp. Or a downgrade. I'm becoming like every other blog out there. About my boring boring life. But I'll try and remain witty and hopefully ya'll won't be too let down.
Plus, on a upside... More pictures!

More later, for now I get to wash and fold every piece of clothing these 4 little angels own. :)
But I'll post a few pictures for the road... A little tribute to summer that is slipping away all too fast...
Olivia and I being sad. Mostly she was sad and I thought the picture would be lopsided if I were smiling....

We have this incredible inflatable water slide. Olivia convinced me that if I went down it so would she, I went down. She did not. I'm such a sucker...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Gag me... oh wait... don't

If there is one thing I could do without (well there's lots of stuff I could do without but tonight I'll just talk about one) its vomit. Its one of the down sides of my job. Lets start from the beginning-ish.
I'm not good at throwing up. Here is when you ask yourself, you can be bad at it? And the answer to that is yes. Yes you can. I never knew you could be bad either until I dated Preston and we got the flu and he felt so inclined to inform me that I was bad at throwing up. Apparently I don't "let it all out in one go" like I should. Gross right? Anyway. So I make each throwing up episode a lot more drawn out then it needs to be. Which leads to more miserableness and a better work out for my abs.. so not all negative I guess.
So basically I hate vomiting.
I also was blessed with a wonderfully strong gag reflex. (thanks Dad!) so the smell of vomit, the sound of vomit, sometimes the thought of vomit, makes me in turn want to... you guessed it... vomit.
So last night I was such a brave little nanny and took the three little kiddo's out to dinner, things were going great, kids were well behaved (miracle!) and food was getting eaten (even my own!) and then it hit.
Lilly, after having inhaled her dinner then informed me that she had a tummy ache. A very bad tummy ache. So we waited out the rest of dinner in tears, her, and more tears, mine. I felt really bad, you could tell she was miserable and I wasn't quite sure what to do.
So we left the diner and made it to the parking lot before it hit. Completely unchewed hot dog. (I wasn't kidding when I said she inhaled.) She wanted to go home and said it was all out so we packed up and went on our way.
By the time we finally pulled into the garage she had puked once on the side of the road, and twice on her lap while driving. Oh joy.
Anyway. Luckily it didn't smell that bad and it was really just water and hot dog. And she's feeling 100% better. But needless to say last night was very vomit filled.

Lucky me.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Oh Mr. Sun, sun, Mr. Golden Sun...

Sometimes the weather just bugs me. Back in May on a "hey I just ended a ridiculous relationship and now lets go shopping!" trip I bought the most amazing pair of rain boots. [see picture below]

We were going to New Hampshire for two weeks and I was told that it'd rain while we were there. No such luck. Oh well we enjoyed the beach.
Anyway, as much of you are fully aware I'm just more of a homebody. I love my house, my belongings, my books and my music. I'm never bothered at the end of a day when I realize I didn't leave the house at all (*cough* Saturday *cough*) but occasionally people convince me it'll be a good idea to leave. And this weekend two peoples convinced me that Sunday would be a good day to get out.
So I made plans. (whoa!) My day was planned, and packed to boot. (hahaha pun totally intended)
Now, another thing you must know is that IF I do decide to venture out, I prefer to stay out. Outside that is. Anything outdoors is great to me. So I had plans with Steve in the early afternoon to finally go shooting (Laycee with a gun... I know right?... Turns out I'm freaking awesome... haters) and then plans with Nik in the evening to go to that wonderfully free Spoon concert I blogged about. I was so excited for my day of outside goodness.
And then I woke up Sunday morning.
Rain. And lots of it.
Where was the sun when I needed him? Where was my glorious beautiful day to accompany my great plans?
And so I improvised. We went shooting in the rain and mud. And we went to a movie instead of a concert.

The only plus being?

I got to wear my boots. For a full day of out-of-the house goodness.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Not today...

So I'm going to do things a little out of character today. I'm going to blog about things I love.

A little change of pace is good every once in a while and its good to mix things up... Plus I've just been in a super great mood and for the life of me can't think of something to complain about...(Weird right?)

So without further ado.. here is a list of things I love...

~Free concerts (Train and Ok Go tomorrow, Spoon on Sunday woot woot!)
~Skype. I got to see my bosses nephew (the adorable Baby William) and talk to my fabulous friend in Japan (and I'm sure I'll become even more obsessed when Andrew leaves in Dec. :( )
~ Fall. The weather here has been cooling off and it has been wonderful. Its been overcast without rain (although I can't wait for the rain... My rain boots are DYING to be worn) and its been perfect for taking pictures.
~My job. Everyday is something new and exciting. When I think I've got it all figured out they throw me another curve ball and I love every second of this crazy ride.
~My family (cheesy alert) Whether its being weirdly connected over 3000 miles, or silly text messages, or phone calls at 9 am. I love them all and wish I could see them more often.
~My friends. No two are alike and I know the old adage "you can never have too many friends" but sometimes I think I have just enough, then a new one pops in and I have to take it all back. All 4 of you who read this are wonderful!
~Turtles. I know this is a given but seriously... They are awesome. My favorite being the one on my foot. Who the kids "water" and "feed" almost daily.
~Savilla. She gets her own little bullet. She's awesome. I could not ask for a better employer/friend. She truly makes this job enjoyable and fantastic. Plus she's an awesome cook.
~New Jersey. Of all the places I've lived, its been my favorite so far.

So there you have it. I have a freaking awesome life. I'm in love with almost EVERY part of it. I could not be happier. Proceed with jealousy.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


I loathe internet speak. I hate it all. A few in particular. If I ask you a question and the answer is "yes" just writing a "y" is ridiculous. Adding that "es" is not that hard I promise you. When you write just the "y" I think that you are asking me "why" and then I get all sorts of confused.
This isn't the first time I've writing about this before and my thoughts haven't changed. If anything they have been reenforced. It drives me crazy.
"LOL" ugh. Just typing that makes my skin crawl. I seriously doubt when people use that they are actually "laughing out loud". And why is it that we use that but we don't describe any other action in text? I feel the need to start using my own, "RME" "rolling my eyes", heaven knows I do that enough in regular conversation I should make a place for it in internet and text. Or how about "LoUD" "Look of utter disdain)(wow, after just coming up with that I actually REALLY like it.... that may start making an appearance)
Also. What's this whole spelling things wrong on purpose..? Last time I checked "cool" didn't include the letters k-e-w-l.
One last thing. Punctuation. Adding a question mark or period is appropriate any and all times. Trust me.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


There are some basic facts about myself that will never change.
I will always be 5'9" (hopefully... osteoporosis be warned, I drink my milk and eat my cheese regardless of the allergic reaction I have!)
I will always have a very strong will and stubborn streak.
I will always have fair skin, and most likely freckles.
That being said, I'm also aware that I bruise easily. So easily in fact, that weekly, if not daily, I find new bruises all over my body. Typical daily activities cause me to bruise...
Kneel at the tub while bathing the kids? Both knees.
Fall asleep with my watch on? The whole bone that sticks out on your wrist.
And somehow, my poor right foot, is always sporting a nice purple color. At first we thought something was broken, and then maybe fractured, but then I realized that the bruises were moving. all around. Across the top of my foot near the toes. Who knows that I do to that poor foot (maybe its jealous of the tattoo on the other one and so it does it on purpose?) all I know is that I have a new one.
And last but not least, the cause of this long overly winded post... The MONSTER currently on my butt. I realize not everyone wants to hear about my butt, but seriously. I'm a little upset it is where it is because I SOOOOO badly want to show people. I want them to see the work of art that is this bruise. I don't know where it came from, or how long its been there, (I don't go checking out my own butt often) all I know is that its about the size of a fist and its DARK.
Really, I'm quite impressed with myself.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I can hear you all too well...

So, I realize that majority of the stuff that bugs me, I'm guilty of. Today I'm bugged with loud talkers. I know I'm loud. I laugh loud, I talk loud, its part of who I am. BUT. I'm also aware of volume control. I know that sometimes its just not polite to talk at ear piercing volume. Say... when the kids are napping. Or when sitting down in a movie theater. Or when you're about to say something bad about someone near by.
Whispering is a fine art that just not enough people know how to perform. So excuse me Mr. Douche hitting on me last night, pardon me if I just don't show an interest after you say inappropriate things about me when I can so blatantly hear you. Not to mention you're a 32 year old washed up baseball player who still lives at home with your parents... and LIKES it?! I don't even have words for that.
Some people should just have a lesson or two in when to lower your voice.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I'm an over achiever.

Two in one day?!?! Thats right. This one is for the road...

This is for my fellow american's who have never been to the state of New Jersey. It drives me crazy when people make fun of my new loved, completely obsessed with, new home. No, I don't have big fake hair now (I resisted in Utah, I'm capable of resisting here) nor do I live off an exit on the parkway. I've never met anyone from the cast of Jersey shore nor anyone who acts like that, granted I'm very antisocial and picky about who I talk to.
Now, as much as I'm completely obsessed with the state in which I reside there are things that bother me about it...
Parking meters, I'm back to hoarding quarters.
Parallel parking, I'm terrible at it, no denying, and if you saw the car I drive here you would TOTALLY understand.
Everyone thinking I'm Irish. Theres something about the East coast and them being obsessed with heritage.
The fact that every city, town, or burrow has the SAME named streets, Maple, River Road, Mountain Ave. no joke. Everywhere you go.
The fact that people here think what they have are mountains (granted I can't be too harsh, not everyone can have the pleasure of enjoying the majestic mountains of Utah)
The raccoons who terrorize our trash cans.
there is NO place, besides the grocery store, that you can purchase Dr. Pepper... Its like putting an alcoholic in a dry state.
There are no Walmarts, I realize this brings out the redneck in me but let it shine... I miss me some cheap, open all night, wallyworld.
Last not but not least, time zones. This is not just against New Jersey this is just the world in general. I freaking hate time zones. They confuse me and make me sleepy.
There is a significantly longer list of things I LOVE about New Jersey. But this is a blog about things I love. ;)
Til next time,
You're favorite red head.


Why not jump right into it... One of my biggest pet peeves with family, friends, people I stalk, is that they go FOREVER between blog updates. Hi, my name is Laycee, and I've completely ignored my whiney blog for over a year now.
Anywho... I didn't forget that it existed I just forgot how to get into it. Needless to say I figured it out and will be returning with a vengeance! Lots of new things to complain about. I moved for one, new place. I lost 175 pounds (haha I've always wanted to use that joke, I figured now would be a good time... later Preston!) And I'm a completely different person. Funny how I never thought that would happen... The only constant in life is change. So here it is. I'm still whiney and over opinionated but now we'll see where it takes me.
So today, things that bug me are people like me. People who have a blog and never update. Or people who just blog to say, hey, sorry I haven't blogged lately. Also, who decided blog was a verb? Probably the same person who made "google" a verb, although I must say that google is by far my favorite verb. I use it most often.
If anyone reads this, or read it in the past, welcome back, I've missed you.
Love, me