Monday, June 15, 2009

The beginning. Episode 1

So a good friend told me today that he enjoys when I rant. (really? AWESOME! we should talk more often!) So jokingly I said I should start a blog in which he responded with... I'd totally read it.
(this guy is amazing... There is nothing I love more then someone who will humor me!) So here it is. A blog. Just for my rantings. Enjoy.

Episode 1.
So I'm all for must see movies. The Classics. That sort of thing. But one thing I do not enjoy is when people find out I haven't seen said movies... And flip a lid. (first of all no one wants to see you without a lid... so keep it on) No I haven't seen the Harry Potters... Or Lord of the Rings... or Star Wars... which brings me back to the sub title of the blog.
Upon hearing such news; my wonderful friends feel the need to save my soul and expose me to the wonderfulness of really long movies that could never happen, that don't appeal to me at all.
My friends. Bless their hearts. I do love them. Enough to have sat through both Episode 1 AND 2 of Star Wars. And I made a promise to see the latest and greatest Harry Potter.
Why? Because I'm a good person. And I love my friends. But I'd really rather not be told 52 times before watching the movie that "You'll love it... trust me" or "You've been missing out..."
Because here's the thing... I haven't been living under ground. I know said movies exist. And I've lived 21 years without watching them... Another 21 isn't going to kill me.
So I'll catch up on all those great movies.......... When I'm 42.


  1. 42, i'm going to hold you to it. The other facet to this that i dislike is when you don't like said "Great movie" that everyone is raving about. I about got murdered when i said i didn't like slumdog millionare. Plus what i find funny is all the movies you listed where fantasy. So i don't see any reason to make you see them when you don't seem interested in the category

  2. hahaha youre hilarious! and i feel for ya cause i totally didnt want to watch star wars anyway haha! but movie preference really does matter in a relationship. ive decided that based on what movies my friends recommend depends on how much i can trust them! haha!so good thing The Hangover was freakin hilarious, so i totally trust ya!!! remember what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Except for herpes. That shit’ll come back with you.”
