Sunday, August 29, 2010

I can hear you all too well...

So, I realize that majority of the stuff that bugs me, I'm guilty of. Today I'm bugged with loud talkers. I know I'm loud. I laugh loud, I talk loud, its part of who I am. BUT. I'm also aware of volume control. I know that sometimes its just not polite to talk at ear piercing volume. Say... when the kids are napping. Or when sitting down in a movie theater. Or when you're about to say something bad about someone near by.
Whispering is a fine art that just not enough people know how to perform. So excuse me Mr. Douche hitting on me last night, pardon me if I just don't show an interest after you say inappropriate things about me when I can so blatantly hear you. Not to mention you're a 32 year old washed up baseball player who still lives at home with your parents... and LIKES it?! I don't even have words for that.
Some people should just have a lesson or two in when to lower your voice.

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