Wednesday, September 1, 2010


There are some basic facts about myself that will never change.
I will always be 5'9" (hopefully... osteoporosis be warned, I drink my milk and eat my cheese regardless of the allergic reaction I have!)
I will always have a very strong will and stubborn streak.
I will always have fair skin, and most likely freckles.
That being said, I'm also aware that I bruise easily. So easily in fact, that weekly, if not daily, I find new bruises all over my body. Typical daily activities cause me to bruise...
Kneel at the tub while bathing the kids? Both knees.
Fall asleep with my watch on? The whole bone that sticks out on your wrist.
And somehow, my poor right foot, is always sporting a nice purple color. At first we thought something was broken, and then maybe fractured, but then I realized that the bruises were moving. all around. Across the top of my foot near the toes. Who knows that I do to that poor foot (maybe its jealous of the tattoo on the other one and so it does it on purpose?) all I know is that I have a new one.
And last but not least, the cause of this long overly winded post... The MONSTER currently on my butt. I realize not everyone wants to hear about my butt, but seriously. I'm a little upset it is where it is because I SOOOOO badly want to show people. I want them to see the work of art that is this bruise. I don't know where it came from, or how long its been there, (I don't go checking out my own butt often) all I know is that its about the size of a fist and its DARK.
Really, I'm quite impressed with myself.

1 comment:

  1. Ha, you should compare it to the bruise i got on my butt a while ago. Picture is on facebook. :)
