Monday, September 27, 2010


Fall is my favorite season. I missed it all those years I spent in Florida and I have very fond memories of fall in Utah. I'm so excited to experience an east coast fall.
There was one thing I wasn't prepared for though...
Acorns. Falling. Everywhere.
I had a near heart attack the first time I was driving down the street and one hit my windshield. It was a loud THUNK and then nothing. I didn't know what it was at first. I didn't realize what it was until about the 67th time. And by then I was a bit annoyed, sitting at Marin's field hockey game and one hit me on the head. Ok, 16 hit me on the head. Seriously? I don't blame chicken little for the theatrics. Those little buggers hurt.
Other then that fall is beautiful. Leaves turning red and falling, rain, the crisp air. I can't wait to go apple and pumpkin picking. How Cleaver family is that?!?!
On another note. My dad is coming into town tomorrow!!! I get to spend the day with him and show him why I love this place so much. I can't wait for someone in my life to see it all.
For now I'm off to fold mountains of laundry, of which I wish I could crawl under and soak up the warmth from.
Today, I'm feeling a bit homesick.... Love me some Willhite's...

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