Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tonight I'm loving you

Well, I wrote my last post on the mend from a nasty cold, and then this warm beautiful weather hit and so did allergies, and so continues my running nose and cough. With all the wet grass in the air it was bound to happen, but I'll welcome allergies any day of the week if it means warm weather and not so much gross black snow on the ground. Black snow. One more thing we never had in Utah. It never stayed around long enough for it turn any other color (unless a dog got ahold of it.) here has not been the case. I'm sure it there was a way to tell, the snow sitting on the ground under the layers of grit and dirt would be from about January 1st. I kid you not.

So for so long I was on this single girl kick. I loved being single. I loved my life, and I was sooo happy. And then it hit. Like a nasty germ. Grasped real hard and wont let go. Ok. So maybe all of that was a bit dramatic. But I have a crush. Not a large one. Not one that I plan to do anything about, but a fun one. I'm not pushing it and I'm not digging because that just causes issues that I'd rather avoid. So for now I'll just giggle like a little school girl.

In the mean time I'm in the full swing of school and loving it. I wish my classes were a tad bit more challenging but now that I've put that in writing I may later regret it. I have to park in the furthest remote parking that they offer so I get in a good mile walk everyday, (1/2 mile each way). They offer a shuttle but I find I feel better about myself when I walk and get the fresh air and exercise.

I realize this blog may be a bit on the boring side. I guess thats what happens when you lead a simple boring life.

I do have just one gripe. Texting at all hours of the night. The other night I went on a terrible date. It was awful. I can't even begin expressing how bad it was. And we both left it at "bye", no one mentioning maybe doing it again. I was perfectly content with that.
And then the other night at 3:20 am. Lets all go back and make sure we read that right.... 3:20 AM! (I was closer to the waking up portion of my night/morning) this ass hole guy drunk texts me. Not even saying anything good. Just to say that he didn't want to lead me on and... blah. blah. blah. I lost interest halfway through his jumbled incoherent text. And I was livid.
Not only did he have the balls to drunk text me, but he was so disillusioned as to think that I was interested in ever hearing from let alone seeing him again. Ugh.

Now. I know what everyone is thinking, "turn your phone on silent, Laycee. Why not just turn it off completely?" Well the answer is simple. I use it as an alarm and I'm too lazy to actually buy a legitimate alarm. I owned one once and it required batteries, and it turned out I was too lazy to buy batteries as well so.... That was a bust. Needless to say he got the wrath of Laycee at 3 am and hopefully he learned a lesson. Either don't get plastered on a Tuesday night... or.... Don't even *think* about texting me while drunk. On second thought. Just don't ever think about texting me. Kthanks.

Anyway. I'm also having a hard time finding shorts for my trip that actually cover my hooha and rear end. I don't know how any girl feels comfortable in those things.

I also might just be turning into my mother... Love her.

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