Monday, January 24, 2011


So I missed the whole weekend. I'd like to say its because I was doing totally awesome things and it was just WAY too much to blog but..... I slept. I woke up Saturday feeling a bit under the weather and it went down hill from there. So no blog. Plus this whole 30 day thing is starting to get boring. I don't get day 19. So..... I'm bailing. Its what I do best. Hence the reason I'm single. Haha.

Anyway. Onward and upward. Or down really.... A lot of things have been bugging me lately. And I've come to realize it has to do with just one person. And then it hit me. I'm dumb. haha. Let me explain....

A while back I had a friend.... things started to bother me more and more and I just didn't think the friendship was beneficial to anyone. Me especially. I needed out and I needed less drama. So I "friend dumped" them. I know that it sounds harsh but it needed to be done. So then a few months passed by.... and a few more... And I came across some old pictures/correspondence and I was definitely wearing my rose colored glasses. I couldn't remember what the big deal was... Why was I so adamant...? So I made amends. We started talking again and things were ok. And then I realized more and more why I stopped communication to begin with. And so begins my blog of rants...

I'm an optimistic person. I understand that not everyone is that way and that's fine. But I don't get the people that continuously make themselves a martyr and a victim. I've been known to have my own "charlie brown" (thanks Russ) like characteristics but I like to think I roll with the punches and laugh it off. And if someone hurts me I don't go back. Or at least I thought. Apparently I was wrong (see above.) But now I'm done. There's no need to subject myself to the endless whining and complaining when something can be done to change.

And there is only so much self destructive behavior I can handle before I want to pull my own hair out.... And its just starting to get long again! I'm beginning to see that as you grow up and move on with life there are some things that just don't last. Some people that just aren't good to have in your life and it doesn't mean that the memories you have are any less special or that at one point they weren't *something* to you. (yikes I sound like I just got out of a relationship. I guess this applies to that as well.)

All I know is that I'm so happy with the drama free life I lead right now. I have great friends and even more importantly I am ok being on my own. Alone. Its a fantastic feeling.

Now if only I could kick this cold.

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