Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Blissfully unaware

As I grow up I'm more and more aware of the fact that I prefer to live my life... blissfully unaware.
Unaware of what you ask? Well.... Lots of things.

  • Terrible things in the news.
  • drama with who my friends may or may not be dating, seeing, hanging out, sleeping with.
  • politics
  • and most importantly.... what anyone thinks of me.
None of those things particularly thrill me.... Most make me want to walk in the opposite direction and one may just give me the hives.
Does that make me any less of a mature adult? Does it make me a terrible friend? I really hope not. I like to think that if my friends need me to listen, be a shoulder to cry on, bury a dead body, I'd be there for them. No matter what. And perhaps thats what I'm really trying to get at.
If its big, and I mean BIG. Then I'm there. If its little, I'm there too.... but if its little, everyday, always, I struggle. Sometimes (and hopefully on a regular basis) I need a light hearted joke, a normalcy. Something that shows me that our friendship isn't solely based on your current life ending train wreck.

Sometimes I can be selfish. Sometimes I can be SUPER harsh (see last post) and sometimes I can be caring. I think all of those are normal human emotions. I am not a bad person if I experience any or all of them.

I don't really care what people think about me. At all actually. I know for a fact there are people out there that are not Laycee fans. I could probably name a few and give stats on them. But I wont because I don't care enough to let that bother me.
I also know for a fact that I have some big supporters (you guys rock!) and thats what I care about. The ones that love me. Don't judge me. And who get that everyone makes mistakes. Myself included.

I'm tired of hearing things about myself. Things that are not true. Things that couldn't be further from the truth. Whether people say them or not so be it.... I just don't want to hear it.
It doesn't get my anywhere and no one is going to profit from it.

I'd just hope that if you're out there and reading this.... that you're a Laycee fan. And you know that I love you and that I DO try to be a good friend.... So lets go bury a body....

1 comment:

  1. Oh, good, I need to bury a body, too. We can kill two birds with one stone.
