Monday, September 27, 2010


Fall is my favorite season. I missed it all those years I spent in Florida and I have very fond memories of fall in Utah. I'm so excited to experience an east coast fall.
There was one thing I wasn't prepared for though...
Acorns. Falling. Everywhere.
I had a near heart attack the first time I was driving down the street and one hit my windshield. It was a loud THUNK and then nothing. I didn't know what it was at first. I didn't realize what it was until about the 67th time. And by then I was a bit annoyed, sitting at Marin's field hockey game and one hit me on the head. Ok, 16 hit me on the head. Seriously? I don't blame chicken little for the theatrics. Those little buggers hurt.
Other then that fall is beautiful. Leaves turning red and falling, rain, the crisp air. I can't wait to go apple and pumpkin picking. How Cleaver family is that?!?!
On another note. My dad is coming into town tomorrow!!! I get to spend the day with him and show him why I love this place so much. I can't wait for someone in my life to see it all.
For now I'm off to fold mountains of laundry, of which I wish I could crawl under and soak up the warmth from.
Today, I'm feeling a bit homesick.... Love me some Willhite's...

Monday, September 20, 2010

I'm 22...

So I know that my blog is called things that bug me, and that I like to think most of my charm is my witty banter and how I complain... but I'm vastly (for the longest time I thought that would was "fastly"... wow. I feel dumb) running out of things to bitch about. Instead I thought I'd just give you all a little peak into my own little world of New Jersey and what I do and enjoy here.

So in the spirit of me being 22, and fickle. The bloggy is getting a revamp. Or a downgrade. I'm becoming like every other blog out there. About my boring boring life. But I'll try and remain witty and hopefully ya'll won't be too let down.
Plus, on a upside... More pictures!

More later, for now I get to wash and fold every piece of clothing these 4 little angels own. :)
But I'll post a few pictures for the road... A little tribute to summer that is slipping away all too fast...
Olivia and I being sad. Mostly she was sad and I thought the picture would be lopsided if I were smiling....

We have this incredible inflatable water slide. Olivia convinced me that if I went down it so would she, I went down. She did not. I'm such a sucker...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Gag me... oh wait... don't

If there is one thing I could do without (well there's lots of stuff I could do without but tonight I'll just talk about one) its vomit. Its one of the down sides of my job. Lets start from the beginning-ish.
I'm not good at throwing up. Here is when you ask yourself, you can be bad at it? And the answer to that is yes. Yes you can. I never knew you could be bad either until I dated Preston and we got the flu and he felt so inclined to inform me that I was bad at throwing up. Apparently I don't "let it all out in one go" like I should. Gross right? Anyway. So I make each throwing up episode a lot more drawn out then it needs to be. Which leads to more miserableness and a better work out for my abs.. so not all negative I guess.
So basically I hate vomiting.
I also was blessed with a wonderfully strong gag reflex. (thanks Dad!) so the smell of vomit, the sound of vomit, sometimes the thought of vomit, makes me in turn want to... you guessed it... vomit.
So last night I was such a brave little nanny and took the three little kiddo's out to dinner, things were going great, kids were well behaved (miracle!) and food was getting eaten (even my own!) and then it hit.
Lilly, after having inhaled her dinner then informed me that she had a tummy ache. A very bad tummy ache. So we waited out the rest of dinner in tears, her, and more tears, mine. I felt really bad, you could tell she was miserable and I wasn't quite sure what to do.
So we left the diner and made it to the parking lot before it hit. Completely unchewed hot dog. (I wasn't kidding when I said she inhaled.) She wanted to go home and said it was all out so we packed up and went on our way.
By the time we finally pulled into the garage she had puked once on the side of the road, and twice on her lap while driving. Oh joy.
Anyway. Luckily it didn't smell that bad and it was really just water and hot dog. And she's feeling 100% better. But needless to say last night was very vomit filled.

Lucky me.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Oh Mr. Sun, sun, Mr. Golden Sun...

Sometimes the weather just bugs me. Back in May on a "hey I just ended a ridiculous relationship and now lets go shopping!" trip I bought the most amazing pair of rain boots. [see picture below]

We were going to New Hampshire for two weeks and I was told that it'd rain while we were there. No such luck. Oh well we enjoyed the beach.
Anyway, as much of you are fully aware I'm just more of a homebody. I love my house, my belongings, my books and my music. I'm never bothered at the end of a day when I realize I didn't leave the house at all (*cough* Saturday *cough*) but occasionally people convince me it'll be a good idea to leave. And this weekend two peoples convinced me that Sunday would be a good day to get out.
So I made plans. (whoa!) My day was planned, and packed to boot. (hahaha pun totally intended)
Now, another thing you must know is that IF I do decide to venture out, I prefer to stay out. Outside that is. Anything outdoors is great to me. So I had plans with Steve in the early afternoon to finally go shooting (Laycee with a gun... I know right?... Turns out I'm freaking awesome... haters) and then plans with Nik in the evening to go to that wonderfully free Spoon concert I blogged about. I was so excited for my day of outside goodness.
And then I woke up Sunday morning.
Rain. And lots of it.
Where was the sun when I needed him? Where was my glorious beautiful day to accompany my great plans?
And so I improvised. We went shooting in the rain and mud. And we went to a movie instead of a concert.

The only plus being?

I got to wear my boots. For a full day of out-of-the house goodness.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Not today...

So I'm going to do things a little out of character today. I'm going to blog about things I love.

A little change of pace is good every once in a while and its good to mix things up... Plus I've just been in a super great mood and for the life of me can't think of something to complain about...(Weird right?)

So without further ado.. here is a list of things I love...

~Free concerts (Train and Ok Go tomorrow, Spoon on Sunday woot woot!)
~Skype. I got to see my bosses nephew (the adorable Baby William) and talk to my fabulous friend in Japan (and I'm sure I'll become even more obsessed when Andrew leaves in Dec. :( )
~ Fall. The weather here has been cooling off and it has been wonderful. Its been overcast without rain (although I can't wait for the rain... My rain boots are DYING to be worn) and its been perfect for taking pictures.
~My job. Everyday is something new and exciting. When I think I've got it all figured out they throw me another curve ball and I love every second of this crazy ride.
~My family (cheesy alert) Whether its being weirdly connected over 3000 miles, or silly text messages, or phone calls at 9 am. I love them all and wish I could see them more often.
~My friends. No two are alike and I know the old adage "you can never have too many friends" but sometimes I think I have just enough, then a new one pops in and I have to take it all back. All 4 of you who read this are wonderful!
~Turtles. I know this is a given but seriously... They are awesome. My favorite being the one on my foot. Who the kids "water" and "feed" almost daily.
~Savilla. She gets her own little bullet. She's awesome. I could not ask for a better employer/friend. She truly makes this job enjoyable and fantastic. Plus she's an awesome cook.
~New Jersey. Of all the places I've lived, its been my favorite so far.

So there you have it. I have a freaking awesome life. I'm in love with almost EVERY part of it. I could not be happier. Proceed with jealousy.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


I loathe internet speak. I hate it all. A few in particular. If I ask you a question and the answer is "yes" just writing a "y" is ridiculous. Adding that "es" is not that hard I promise you. When you write just the "y" I think that you are asking me "why" and then I get all sorts of confused.
This isn't the first time I've writing about this before and my thoughts haven't changed. If anything they have been reenforced. It drives me crazy.
"LOL" ugh. Just typing that makes my skin crawl. I seriously doubt when people use that they are actually "laughing out loud". And why is it that we use that but we don't describe any other action in text? I feel the need to start using my own, "RME" "rolling my eyes", heaven knows I do that enough in regular conversation I should make a place for it in internet and text. Or how about "LoUD" "Look of utter disdain)(wow, after just coming up with that I actually REALLY like it.... that may start making an appearance)
Also. What's this whole spelling things wrong on purpose..? Last time I checked "cool" didn't include the letters k-e-w-l.
One last thing. Punctuation. Adding a question mark or period is appropriate any and all times. Trust me.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


There are some basic facts about myself that will never change.
I will always be 5'9" (hopefully... osteoporosis be warned, I drink my milk and eat my cheese regardless of the allergic reaction I have!)
I will always have a very strong will and stubborn streak.
I will always have fair skin, and most likely freckles.
That being said, I'm also aware that I bruise easily. So easily in fact, that weekly, if not daily, I find new bruises all over my body. Typical daily activities cause me to bruise...
Kneel at the tub while bathing the kids? Both knees.
Fall asleep with my watch on? The whole bone that sticks out on your wrist.
And somehow, my poor right foot, is always sporting a nice purple color. At first we thought something was broken, and then maybe fractured, but then I realized that the bruises were moving. all around. Across the top of my foot near the toes. Who knows that I do to that poor foot (maybe its jealous of the tattoo on the other one and so it does it on purpose?) all I know is that I have a new one.
And last but not least, the cause of this long overly winded post... The MONSTER currently on my butt. I realize not everyone wants to hear about my butt, but seriously. I'm a little upset it is where it is because I SOOOOO badly want to show people. I want them to see the work of art that is this bruise. I don't know where it came from, or how long its been there, (I don't go checking out my own butt often) all I know is that its about the size of a fist and its DARK.
Really, I'm quite impressed with myself.