Thursday, September 16, 2010

Gag me... oh wait... don't

If there is one thing I could do without (well there's lots of stuff I could do without but tonight I'll just talk about one) its vomit. Its one of the down sides of my job. Lets start from the beginning-ish.
I'm not good at throwing up. Here is when you ask yourself, you can be bad at it? And the answer to that is yes. Yes you can. I never knew you could be bad either until I dated Preston and we got the flu and he felt so inclined to inform me that I was bad at throwing up. Apparently I don't "let it all out in one go" like I should. Gross right? Anyway. So I make each throwing up episode a lot more drawn out then it needs to be. Which leads to more miserableness and a better work out for my abs.. so not all negative I guess.
So basically I hate vomiting.
I also was blessed with a wonderfully strong gag reflex. (thanks Dad!) so the smell of vomit, the sound of vomit, sometimes the thought of vomit, makes me in turn want to... you guessed it... vomit.
So last night I was such a brave little nanny and took the three little kiddo's out to dinner, things were going great, kids were well behaved (miracle!) and food was getting eaten (even my own!) and then it hit.
Lilly, after having inhaled her dinner then informed me that she had a tummy ache. A very bad tummy ache. So we waited out the rest of dinner in tears, her, and more tears, mine. I felt really bad, you could tell she was miserable and I wasn't quite sure what to do.
So we left the diner and made it to the parking lot before it hit. Completely unchewed hot dog. (I wasn't kidding when I said she inhaled.) She wanted to go home and said it was all out so we packed up and went on our way.
By the time we finally pulled into the garage she had puked once on the side of the road, and twice on her lap while driving. Oh joy.
Anyway. Luckily it didn't smell that bad and it was really just water and hot dog. And she's feeling 100% better. But needless to say last night was very vomit filled.

Lucky me.

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