Saturday, September 4, 2010


I loathe internet speak. I hate it all. A few in particular. If I ask you a question and the answer is "yes" just writing a "y" is ridiculous. Adding that "es" is not that hard I promise you. When you write just the "y" I think that you are asking me "why" and then I get all sorts of confused.
This isn't the first time I've writing about this before and my thoughts haven't changed. If anything they have been reenforced. It drives me crazy.
"LOL" ugh. Just typing that makes my skin crawl. I seriously doubt when people use that they are actually "laughing out loud". And why is it that we use that but we don't describe any other action in text? I feel the need to start using my own, "RME" "rolling my eyes", heaven knows I do that enough in regular conversation I should make a place for it in internet and text. Or how about "LoUD" "Look of utter disdain)(wow, after just coming up with that I actually REALLY like it.... that may start making an appearance)
Also. What's this whole spelling things wrong on purpose..? Last time I checked "cool" didn't include the letters k-e-w-l.
One last thing. Punctuation. Adding a question mark or period is appropriate any and all times. Trust me.

1 comment:

  1. True. But I usually do laugh when I "lol". But I noticed I just usually say "haha". One thing that bugs me is when girls type like this

    Example: oMg i LoVe U sO f'N mUcH!
